Once upon a time... back in 2012, a company called Beyond Diet outsourced their digital marketing efforts to Quality Score.
Beyond Diet was—and is—best known for being the world’s leading comprehensive health and gluten-free weight loss community. Since 2008, they helped over 700,000 men and women from more than 100 countries live healthier and happier lives.
Seizing the opportunity
Since the average Pinterest user is Beyond Diet’s core demographic, Quality Score seized the opportunity to become one of Pinterest’s first advertising Beta partners. They worked closely with Pinterest and Beyond Diet to test the new platform with a new customer acquisition campaign.
The strategy behind this tale of success
Quality Score strongly believes that success within the competitive and dynamic industry of pay per click advertising, requires staying up-to-date and being the first to test new PPC platforms for clients. Although advertising on Pinterest was still in beta, they devised a unique customer acquisition strategy. After copious testing and optimization, Quality Score was able to gather important data and apply it to all of their clients where relevant.
As with most initial Beta advertising platforms, Pinterest advertising required close monitoring and constant testing. Quality Score focused diligently on comments by users to tailor messages and optimize campaigns. They successfully combated a high frequency of ads with new creatives from their design team daily.
By the end of the first week, their team had mastered Pinterest’s manual bidding and targeting option—scaling Beyond Diet to one of the largest spenders on Pinterest.
There are many, many more tales like 'em, and come some other time, maybe I'll tell you another . . .
“Quality Score is constantly seeking out new opportunities for us. They are well known for their excellent and advantageous relationships with PPC platforms such as Facebook and Google. So, it came as no surprise when they approached me about starting a campaign on Pinterest as a Beta partner. They were able to learn and adapt to the new platform, and surpassed our expectations.”
Jeff Siegel, CEO Beyond Diet